Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Goodbye, Oprah!

Today was the finale for The Oprah Winfrey Show. It's the end of an era for daytime talk shows. Oprah's show offered what many shows did not: solutions. Oprah was endearing to her audience because she always believed you could "dream a bigger dream for yourself." The Oprah Winfrey Show was a refreshing change from the crazy, drama-filled talk shows of the 1990s. She set a standard that everyone could live a positive or happy life, with a strong belief in their own abilities.

I really don't remember the first Oprah show I watched, because it seems like Oprah has always been in my life; she was the older sister I never had. I learned everything I needed to know about cooking, relationships, health and achieving goals. By showcasing examples of others' pain or life challenges, I learned what not to do when I was dating and how to have the confidence to bypass men who didn't treat me with respect. In addition, Oprah represented African-American women and people in general, in a positive way. There are still towns in America, where the only place the people see people of color is on TV. Oprah showed us you can rise from pain or flaws and still be smart and stand with your head held high. Whether you are an Oprah fan or not (of course, I am), there is no denying that she shared her personal experiences and wealth to give to others and therefore; making their lives better.

Good Luck to Oprah as she continues to OWN her destiny by leading her own television network.

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